Air flow is everything in a performance engine and naturally it begins at the air filter. Factory units are downright boxy and can be very restricitve. The S&S Cycle Tuned Induction Air Cleaner utilizes two laser cut and highly engineered tubes merged into a single collecter and fed by a pair of high flow air flilters placed directly in the air flow. The end result is maximum performance for your engine and a stylish package.
Features & Benefits
- Bolt-on performance—over twice the filtering area over stock intake system
- 44% Increase in flow
- Smooth intake tract of carefully selected tuned lengths increases performance
- High flow washable and reusable cotton media filter elements provide performance, protection, and economy
- Exempt from emissions tampering regulations under CARB EO# D-355-37
The Tuned Induction System will not fit on motorcycles equipped with fairing lower glove boxes or Twin-Cooled™ models